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What does engineering plastic twin screw extruder mean?

Publish Time: 2021-12-22     Origin: Site

The engineering plastic twin screw extruder consists of a transmission device, a feed device, a barrel, and a screw. The function of each component is similar to that of a single-screw extruder. The difference to the single screw extruder is that in the engineering plastic twin screw extruder two parallel snails are arranged in the "cross-section" of the material.

  • What is the working principle of the engineering plastic twin screw extruder?

  • How do you treat a engineering plastic twin screw extruder?

  • Why is the cooling device particularly important when using engineering plastic twin screw extruders?

What is the working principle of the engineering plastic twin screw extruder?

From the point of view of the principle of movement, the engineering plastic twin screw extruder distinguishes between the straight and uneven, and non-foaming types.

1. Double screw extruder of technical plastic

This type of engineering plastic twin screw extruder has a low speed and a high speed. The former is mainly used for profile extraction, while the latter is used for special polymer processing operations.

(1) Tightly machined extruder. The slow-running extruder has a closely combining screw geometry, in which the spiral antenna shape of one snail closely matches the spiral antenna shape of the other snail, i.e. the conjugated snail shape.

(2) Self-cleaning extruder. The simultaneous high-speed extruder has a closely tuned spiral shape. This type of snail can be executed with a relatively small snail split so that the snail has a closed self-cleaning effect. This type of engineering plastic twin screw extruder is called a compact self-cleaning engineering plastic twin screw extruder.

The gap between the two screw edges of the closely combining, opposing engineering plastic twin screw extruder is very small (much smaller than the gap in the evenly rotating engineering plastic twin screw extruder) so those positive conveying properties can be achieved.

2. Non-reciprocating double screw extruder of technical plastic

The axis distance between the two snails of the non-foaming engineering plastic twin screw extruder is greater than the sum of the radii of the two snails.

How do you treat a engineering plastic twin screw extruder?

1. After using the engineering plastic twin screw extruder for 500 hours, iron chips or other impurities from the gears are in the gearbox. Therefore, the gears should be cleaned and the gear lubricant replaced.

2. The engineering plastic twin screw extruder should carry out a comprehensive inspection of the extruder after an operating period to check the density of all snails.

3. If the double screw extruder is suddenly switched off during production, the main drive, and the heating stops, if the power supply is restored, each section of the cylinder shall be reheated to the specified temperature and kept for a specified period, before you can start the extruder.

4. If the display and the display of the engineering plastic twin screw extruder are full, check if the contact of the thermocouple, etc. is good.

Why is the cooling device particularly important when using engineering plastic twin screw extruders?

After the molded plastic extrusion layer has left the engineering plastic twin screw extruder, it should be cooled and formed immediately, otherwise, it will deform under the influence of gravity. The cooling method normally uses water cooling and is divided into quick cooling and slow cooling according to the different water temperatures. Fast cooling is the direct cooling by cold water. Rapid cooling is advantageous for the design of the extruded plastic layer, but in the case of crystalline polymers, due to sudden heat cooling, it is easy to leave internal stresses in the extruded layer structure, which leads to cracks during use. Generally PVC The plastic layer is deterred. Slow cooling should reduce the inner tension of the product. Water with different temperatures is given in the cooling water tank to gradually reduce the temperature and shape of the product. The extrusion of PE and PP takes place under slow cooling, i.e. through hot water, hot water, and cold water, which is called three-stage cooling.

Nanjing JlEYA is the leading manufacturer extruder manufacturer specializing in twin screw extrude. If you want to get more information, just go and connect them.

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 Lishui District, Nanjing city, Jiangsu Province, PR China
 Jieya Extrusion