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Principle of plastic extruder

Publish Time: 2021-08-30     Origin: Site

 A plastic extruder performs all of the following processes through a barrel with a screw and auger channel. The plastic pellets enter the barrel through a hopper at one finish of the barrel and are then transferred through the screw to the opposite finish of the barrel. What are the working principle and molding principles of a plastic extruder? The following is a detailed description.


Here is the content list:

  • Working principle

  • Forming principle


Working Principle

Pressure and shearing, etc., convert the solid plastic into a uniform and consistent melt and send the melt to the next process. The production of the melt involves processes such as mixing additives such as masterbatches, blending resins, and re-crushing. The finished melt must be homogeneous in consistency and temperature. The pressurization must be high enough to extrude the viscous polymer.


To have sufficient pressure, the depth of the threads on the screw decreases as the distance to the hopper increases. The external heating and the internal heat generated in the plastic and the screw due to friction softens and melts the plastic. The design requirements for plastic extruders often vary from polymer to polymer and from application to application. Many options involve discharge ports, multiple loading ports, special mixing devices along the screw, cooling and heating of the melt with or without an external heat source (adiabatic plastic extruders), the relative size of the gap variation between the screw and the barrel, and the number of screws. For example, twin-screw plastic extruders allow for more thorough mixing of the melt than single-screw plastic extruders. Tandem extrusion uses the melt-extruded from the first plastic extruder as feedstock for the second plastic extruder, which is typically used to produce extruded polyethylene foam.


D L the characteristic dimensions of plastic extruders are the diameter of the screw (D) and the ratio of the length of the screw (L) to the diameter D L/D (D) (L/D. Plastic extruders usually consist of at least three segments. The first section, near the L/D) filling hopper, is the filling section. Its function is to allow the material to enter the plastic extruder at a relatively smooth rate. In general, this section will be kept at a relatively low temperature to avoid clogging the charging channels. The second section is the compression section, where the melt is formed and the pressure is increased. The transition from the charging section to the compression section can be abrupt or gradual (gentle). The last half, the metering section, is adjacent to the plastic extruder outlet and its main operate is that the uniformity of the fabric flowing out of the plastic extruder. In this section, the material should have sufficient residence time to ensure uniformity of composition and temperature.


At the end of the barrel, the plastic melt leaves the plastic extruder through a head that is designed in an ideal shape for the extruded melt stream to pass through.


Another important part is the drive mechanism of the plastic extruder. It controls the rotational speed of the screw, which determines the output of the plastic extruder. The power required is determined by the viscosity (flow resistance) of the polymer. The viscosity of the polymer depends on the temperature and flow rate and decreases with increasing temperature and shear. Plastic extruders are equipped with screens that keep impurities out of the screen. To avoid downtime, the screens should be able to be changed automatically. This is especially important when processing resin with impurities, such as recycled material. The extruder's screw is divided into feeding section, plasticizing, melting section, temperature according to the process parameters of the plastic particles, the model according to the diameter of the screw 20, 36, 52, 65, 75, 95, 120, 135. Plastic particles heated by the movement of the screw to change the original state, there are many types, depending on the specific application. The capacity of the frequency conversion is proportional to the diameter of the screw and then adjusted according to the different raw materials.


Forming principle

The extrusion method of plastic extruders generally refers to the melting of plastic at a high temperature of about 200°C. The melted plastic is then passed through a die to form the desired shape. Extrusion molding requires a deep understanding of the characteristics of plastics and extensive experience in mold design and is a technically demanding molding method.

Extrusion molding is a method of a continuous flow of material through a die by heating and pressurizing in an extruder, also known as "extrusion molding". Compared with other molding methods, it has the advantages of high efficiency and low unit cost.

Extrusion is mainly used for molding thermoplastics, but it can also be used for some thermosets. Extruded products are continuous profiles, such as tubes, rods, wires, sheets, films, wire, and cable cladding, etc. In addition, it can also be used for mixing, plasticizing and granulating, coloring, blending, etc. plastics.


The extruded products can be called "profiles", which are also called "profiles" because of their irregular cross-sectional shape.

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No.337 East Zhening Road, Zhetang Town,
 Lishui District, Nanjing city, Jiangsu Province, PR China
 Jieya Extrusion